The mind that is focussed on the problem is not the one that can find the solution. When suffering, it's hard to get your head out of your pains.
On the other hand, when you are immersed in your pains, it's impossible to find the silver lining or any attempts of improvement.
In working together, you can deal with your pains in constructive ways. You would acknowledge and honour them, but they won't take the lead. You'll deal with your pains in their size without allowing them to overpower your judgment and decision.
Together, we can find alternatives and give your relationship another chance if needed.
Many are staying in miserable relationships out of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of judgment, fear of change and fear of failure.
Fears paralyze, intensifying the pain you are dealing with in your relationship. Fears are best dealt with head-on. Hiding from them doesn't help. They grow to be monsters of your own creation.
Yet, it's hard to face fears on your own. You need to openly and safely address your fears.
Avoid staying in a damaging relationship out of fear. Yet don't jump out of the relationship when there is still hope.
Together you can face your fears and make the right decision that isn't based on fear.
Hope is a wonderful gift. I bet you had lots of hopes for your relationship. But when the hope is just a yearning or a wish not backed up by personal responsibility, open communication and whole hearted effort, it soon transforms to despair.
If you have had this cycle a few times, despair now tries to protect you from further disappointments so it clouds any progress for fear it won't last and that you'll be hurt again.
Identifying your hopes, and your role in making them real as well as your disappointments and how to deal with them in new ways will set you free.
You will gain clarity thus make the best decision.
A quick answer would be; as long as the gain is more than the pain, your decision will be tipping to stay.
The pain and the gain though are very subjective and they are affected by your focus and emotional state.
Identifying what is important for you away from the emotional charge, understanding your triggers and your role to handle them.
Applying new techniques tailored to your situation, character and marriage can do miracles for your relationship and will help you make the right decision.
On the other hand, when the pain is more than the gain, the fastest solution is to leave. Wait a moment, that's easier said than done.
You have invested in your relationship, there are people who will be impacted by your decision. You among them will be impacted as well.
Defining the line between staying and leaving is crucial to the well being of you and all those involved.
There may be hope. There may not. Give yourself the benefit of professional support to reach the decision that is best for everyone.
You are always the chooser. The issue is not to choose to stay or leave. The issue is in both situations you feel stuck and unhappy.
To stay as is, with what is going on is definitely not an option. If it were, you won't be landing on this page.
To go is such a big decision to make on your own.
Together we can get your pains sorted, issues understood and requests clear.
You will understand your terms in both situations and what you are willing to do about them.
إزاي اتخذ القرار بإنهاء العلاقة أو الاستمرار؟
من أصعب التحديات اللي ممكن يمر بها إنسان.
كم المشاعر و الأفكار
ما بين الأمل في الإصلاح والإجهاد والإرهاق واليأس من المحاولات.
مزيج من الرثاء للنفس ولومها والخوف عليها.
أشباح ماضي وحاضر مؤلم ومستقبل مجهول لا يظهر منه أي علامات للنجاح.
حاسة بك تماماً لأني مريت بنفس التجربة.
بل مروري بهذه التجربة هو ما دفعني لامتهان تدريب الحياة والعلاقات سنة ٢٠٠٥.
دوري أن أهون عليكي ما تمري به من آلام و أساعدك أن تتوصلي لبر الأمان الخاص بكِ أنت زي ما ساعدت المئات .
الهدم أسهل بكثير من البناء. لكن مهم البناء يكون على أسس متينة و الهدم مايكونش ساعة غضب أو يأس.
أيا ما كانت القصة محتاجة دعم عشان تميزي إذا كان فيه أمل أو لأ.
تقدري تلاقي مساعدة عشان تحددي قرارك و تنفذيه. هيكون مؤلم لكن مش بقدر الألم اللي إنت فيه لوحدك
الخناق و الاختلاف المستمر ساعات بيكون دليل على إن الفراق هو الحل و ساعات بيكون حافز لتغيير طريقة الت
لما تلاقي حد جنبك ، نص الحِمل بيخف. ساعدي نفسك بإنك تلاقي حد متخصص تتكلمي معاه.
. تقدري تبقي سعيدة سواء اختارتِ الاستمرار في العلاقة أو انهائها. في الحالتين، البداية من عندك-
استعيني بي، مش بس ده شغلي ال١٧ سنة اللي فاتوا ، أنا كمان مريت بنفس التجربة
العلاقة الزوجية كالبذرة، تحتاج لتربة صالحة و تغذية سليمة من سماد و هواء و شمس. كل بالقدر المناسب.
أقعد و لا أمشي؟ إزاى آخد القرار؟
Tina Fey
Request a Strategy Session about "How to make the decision to stay in the relationship or leave it?": "قعد و لا أمشي؟”" احجزي جلسة تدريبية استكشافية
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